Monday, April 14, 2014

The Best Homemade Play Dough

Homemade Play Dough
The kids had so much fun playing with this and it was really easy to make!
I got all of my supplies ready, put them all in the pot. (except for the food coloring)
I didn't get any pictures of how it looks while you are cooking, it was to fast! 
Divide into smaller sections and add coloring. 
Once it has cooled off enough for the little ones to play with, they them go to town! Even the big kids loved it! We only have a few cookie cutters but they still had fun creating their own things with it!

Play Dough
2 cups Flour
2 cups Water
1/2 cup Salt
2 Tbsp Vegt. Oil
2 tsp Cream Of Tarter
Food coloring
Add all ingredients to large pot, in no particular order....turn on the heat and stir constantly. The mixture will become lumpy, but just keep stirring, it will smooth out. Once it becomes a large ball of dough, that is no longer sticky, remove it from the heat. Let cool for a few minutes, then kneed until smooth. This is when I added my colors, so I could make one batch different colors.

I found the original recipe on We Love Being Moms! Blog. She is a lot braver than I am! I definitely couldn't do 10 different recipes in the same day! I'm so happy I found her blog! I hope you all enjoy!

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