Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cleaning out your "closet"

Thinking about becoming a minimalist? Getting ready to move, and feeling overwhelmed with all the "stuff" that you have to go through. Don't stress! Stop where you are! Sit down and think about one part of the house.....your closet....the kitchen.....the play room......the entry room. Pick one and start there. Don't think that you have to tackle your entire house in one day. That's unreasonable. You need to start little and work your way around. Pick your room and go there, look around and see how many things are there. I'm going to use the kitchen as an example.

I walked into my kitchen, I see a pile of dishes in the sink and my cupboards are still full. WHY? Well, let me tell you why. If you only have 4 people in your house but you have 40 cups, there is no need for anyone to remember what cup they used 10 min ago. They can just grab a new one and not worry about it, that is until it's time to do the dishes! But if you only have 2 cups per person, everyone soon realizes that it's easier to only use 1 cup at a time. Same goes with plates and bowls. Having less means that you can't be lazy. You will be doing dishes as soon as you are done using the items, but then your kitchen will stay clean as well! You won't have to worry about having to do 2 loads of dishes because there were just to many to fit in one load.

Sometimes going through things to downsize is hard. It brings back all the memories from when you received the item, who gave it to you, when you used it and why you got it in the first place. I had a bunch of glasses from my high school homecomings and at first I wanted to keep all of them. I had so many good memories of going to homecoming every year! But that's all those glasses were for! I had all the memories, and along with keeping the glasses, I was also keeping the dust and the stress of cleaning them and moving them. After thinking about it for a few days I decided to keep the one glass from the year I graduated and let go of the other ones. I still have the memories of going to homecoming and having fun with my friends, I don't need a glass to remind me.

If there is something that you would like to hang on to, find a place for it. Give it a home. If you can't find a space for it in your home, maybe it's time to find it a new home!

Becoming a minimalist doesn't mean that you have to go through your house and let go of everything right now. It means that you have decided to change your way of thinking about material possessions. You have realized that there are more important things in life, like family and friends. Having less stuff to worry about gives you the freedom to spend more time with the ones you love and more time to do what you love! You are no longer held to the same standards as everyone else, you are not expected to have the newest and most upgraded items. You are not expected to have a collection of the coolest thing this week. You have become free from the webs of today's society.

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