Sunday, January 12, 2014

Simple Teacher Gift

As a minimalist, I try to do simple gifts for people. Either something they "need" or something useful that anyone can use.

When the holidays come around, I always like to do something for the boys teachers. They do so much during the year for my kids, the least I can do is create something for them during the holidays! This year, I had a ton of ideas! I had some clipboards that I wanted to use, and I also got some plastic apples that I was going to do something cool with. My list of ideas goes on and on!

With my oldest in the hospital, everything was put on hold! When we got home, I took a few days to just relax and after those few days, I was ready to be crafty again! I knew I was going to do something small I just didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. I had purchased some clipboards on and had some ideas for saying to go on them. I looked at all of them and finally (I think it took me an hour) decided on one. I had my design all ready to go!

I got my clipboards ready and started cutting out the vinyl!

TA DA!!!!! As my youngest would say! All done! Not only is it simple, but who couldn't use a clipboard?? My kids use the extra ones I have all the time when doing their homework! At this point, it was kind of a little blah. I didn't want to put more vinyl on it, I just wanted to dress it up a little so it would be a pretty gift!

I made a card......(the design can be found in the Silhouette Store)

and then dressed it up with a bow!

Giving gifts doesn't always have to be big and glamorous. Sometimes we can just give something small and more meaningful. The teachers that we have had so far have been amazing. I could not have picked better teachers for my boys and I thank God for them everyday! This was just something small so they know I appreciate them. Plus it was fun making them!

Happy Crafting!!

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